Dr Deniz Tunçalp
eMail: tuncalp@itu.edu.tr

Dr Deniz Tunçalp is an Associate Professor of Management based at ITU, Istanbul, where he specialises in management, organisations and entrepreneurship. His is an editorial board member for the Academy of Management Review and Journal of Global Information Technology Management; and is a keen advocate of the use of the case method in management education, having developed International Erasmus + Projects to promote the case method among Turkish Higher Education Organisations. Deniz is co-hosting this conference as the Turkish Lead Researcher.
Dr S. Arzu Wasti
eMail: awasti@sabanciuniv.edu

Dr S. Arzu Wasti is a Professor of Management and Organization Studies at the School of Management, Sabancı University, Turkey. She received her Ph.D. in industrial relations and human resource management from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her cross-cultural research on organizational commitment, sexual harassment, organizational trust and organizational culture has appeared in such journals as Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies and Leadership Quarterly. She is a recipient of several research awards and grants, including the National Science Foundation, the International Academy of Intercultural Relations Best Dissertation Award, the Academy of Management’s Lyman Porter and Carolyn Dexter Best Paper Awards, and the Turkish Academy of Sciences Encouragement Award. She is also an editorial consultant for a number of journals.
Dr S. Nazli Wasti
eMail: nazli@metu.edu.tr

Nazli Wasti received her B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from the Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey, her M.S. degree in Engineering Management from the University of Missouri-Rolla, and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. She is currently a Professor at the Department of Business Administration at METU. Her research interests are interorganizational trust, innovation management, and buyer-supplier relations, and she teaches courses on operations management, organization theory, and innovation management. She is presently serving as the local director of the METU Confucius Institute.